Specialized Training
What Our Members Say

An Enhanced Response to Open, Empty-Handed Force Encounters
Today’s law enforcement respond to wide-ranging community needs and must complete a breadth of training commensurate to that reality. Officers are routinely tasked with response to dynamic, high-stress, critical situations, many involving the mentally ill. These events often transition to physical encounters, which can result in serious injury or death. The C.A.L.M. ApproachSM offers law enforcement professionals a response matrix for use with non- compliant subject(s) who do not exhibit a weapon. This methodology underscores the need to avoid physical confrontation whenever possible; however, should such confrontation be unavoidable, this concept provides critical direction to increase the safety of everyone involved, including the subject(s).
The C.A.L.M. Approach incorporates four basic principles that serve as essential tools for today’s progressive law enforcement agency:
Active Physical Control Maneuvers,
Lateral Recovery Restraint SM (LRR) Positioning, and
Minimization Concepts
For information please email peteh@911kravmaga.com

STW is excited to host Con10gency in partnership with 100 Club of San Antonio to offer this lifesaving class!
This tactical first aid training is offered free of charge to area first responders.
For more information please email peteh@911kravmaga.com
LEO and specialized training:
- Hand and long gun retention and disarming
- Stand-up and ground fighting and defense
- Knife attacks and threats standing and ground
- Hand gun retention in and out of the holster, standing and on the ground
- Blunt object attacks
- Defense against chokes, bear hugs, and headlocks standing and on the ground
All of the above training is also offered to women in law enforcement separately.